dimanche 27 juillet 2014

Mustang Part 18 - Windshield

Chassis and interior has been put together. I added the radiator and details on the battery. Wheels have been sanded to look like used.

The original windshield is one clear plastic piece for both front and rear windows, with extra piece in between supposed to be on the interior roof. I decided to split it in two pieces and sanded the interior roof to make it flat.

lundi 21 juillet 2014

Mustang Part 17 - Body

After few days of holidays away from the bench, i'm back to the hobby.
I applied weathering on the engine, exhausts, gas tank and a very thin dry brush to enhance relief and bring a little ageing. Engine was then put on the chassis.

I finally got my airbrush and started to practice. Result below is done with two sessions of light and multiple thin coats. I need to do at least a couple of others.

mercredi 9 juillet 2014

Mustang Part 16 - Chassis/Interior

I've finished the dashboard with details on gauges. Interior is now done.

Dry brush on the chassis, then assembling suspension and exhausts.

Engine is done too. Still some black/grey wash to be done.