mardi 25 février 2014

Keaton Batmobile Part 1 - Out of box review

One of the project to come later on will be the building of the baddest cars in movies : the Batmobiles !

First one to be done will be the Keaton Batmobile featured in Batman and Batman returns driven by Michael Keaton.
This car has a definitive agressive look and presence, a bold evolution from the batmobile of the 60's.

This is an old AMT kit from the 90's, there were multiple versions of this kit, and this one is including a removable jet engine.

Box contains the main body, black and chrome molded parts and tires.
Details are quite good, not a very complex kit and could be done without much modifications i think. Notice sheet is good and seems straightforward.
At this point, i don't know if i will insert LED.

Some pictures :

lundi 24 février 2014

Awing Part 4 - Thrusters sanding

On the back of the A-wing, there are four exhausts, however they doesn't correspond to the original model as they should be smaller. I removed them and will insert new ones later on. My current attempts are not very successful, as it is not easy to cut appropriate plastic circles easily.

One another step to do, is to add a piece of plastic which is missing for the bottom base of the triangle shape.

In parallel, i've started to build a custom floor for the cockpit. I let it open on one side in order to insert the LED right under the feet of the pilot.

lundi 17 février 2014

Awing Part 3 - LED

After previous thoughts, i decided to customize the kit with some lights : one led for each thruster and another one in the cockpit.
There are multiple references about the color of light. Generally speaking, for thruster options are red, orange, yellow... I believe this is linked to the motor type or fuel type, anyway, i choose yellow. Same for cockpit, several option possible with use of fiber optic, but i wanted to make things simple and i would (or not if it doesn't fit) put one yellow LED somewhere under the pilot.

After some electronic research, i found out which components i need and how to make the circuit.
I went to electronic store and here am i.
Now, time to drill hole in thrusters.
In parallel, i cut out the bad missile launcher holes.

jeudi 13 février 2014

AWing Part 2 - Toughts and ideas

Some thoughts about the model :
- Lightning : i was thinking about implementing some orange/yellow led at both back engines and another bright one in the cockpit. Not sure yet if i'm doing it as i would need to spend time study basic electronic at this point.
- Cockpit : pilot included in the kit is pretty bad. In fact, it rather look at imperial pilot that rebel pilot. Several options in mind : use it as it is and try to paint it in rebel fashion, or no pilot at all and use the model with landing gear rather to be in action, or painting the cockpit in black to hide the interior. I would go for the first option especially if LED is added. Additionally, there is no floor on the cockpit, to be check if scratch one to be build or not.
- Air intake : on each side of the front model, there is meant to be some black holes. Original kit has a terrible job about it, and need to be cut and additional plastic card to be insert in the model. As well for the front, very tiny holes should be cut (more difficult on this point).
- Paint : i was thinking that the base color was light grey at the beginning, but just flat white can be done. Multiple layer of wash can provide the feeling of use and battle actions.

mardi 11 février 2014

Back to models - AWing Part 1

Well, after quick a lot of modeling in my youngness, i'm back on modeling after a 15 years pause.
Back in the days, it was mostly star wars kits, and very few airplanes.
Feeling the nostalgy of those days, i'm trying to going back on the bench with help of all ressources that have come by now with internet.

As for starting, model of choice, an old A Wing AMT ERTL snap fast kit.
Have just paint it light white/grey on the grapes in those days and left it in box.
Quite easy to tell that those kind of kits were not very detailled. It was supposed to be build easily without glue, in fact, only few pieces can adjust fine. Some work have to be done before cement them.
Another step was to withdraw all of the old paint. After some tentatives with soap, washing machine product and so on, a soude product called 'Destop' in France make the good job.
Now, i'm trying to work on the body and check what have to be adjusted, alongside to study the correct painting colors.
(Fun fact, original Ralph MacQuarrie concept was blue paint, but due to blue screens, red paint was required for special effects).